
Commissions are for personal usage only. Clients are allowed to use and share their commission as long as credit is provided and clearly displayed; preferably with links back to my media. You are not allowed to edit my artwork in any way or claim it as your own.I claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer unless commercial rights of the commissioned piece are discussed and agreed upon before hand. This means I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to promote myself within my portfolio and on social media; however I will be more than willing to discuss not displaying it if approached about it before hand. Upon ordering a commission, its completion may, or may not, be displayed on livestream, as I regularly stream the creation of my artwork.Commercial rights of commissions can be discussed, however you must warn me about this ahead of time for this will effect the pricing of said commission. This means it can not be used for any merchandizing or other promotional purposes unless we come to a contracting agreement. Additionally, any artwork commissioned and received may not be tokenized by any third party application nor sold as NFT / Cryptoart at anytime.


Payment is in USD (United States Dollar) and is required upfront before the commission will be started. Refunds will not be offered UNLESS the piece has not been started and the client contacts me immediately. Refunds will also be offered if I (the artist) can not complete the client's commission due to unforeseen emergency circumstances.All payment for commissions will be done through Ko-fi or Artists&Clients. I do not accept e-checks of any kind and payment plans are only offered on a selective case by case basis. I also accept Paypal as a payment method on a selective case by case basis.Donations are appreciated and accepted on Ko-fi, however are not expected. Donations are non-refundable.

Additional Fees

Additional fees may raise the base price of a commission. Such examples of things that can increase a commission are as follows: Additional Characters, Pets, highly detailed character designs, etc. Pets and highly detailed designs vary in additional costs according to their complexity. For additional characters in a piece, I usually quote an additional 50% per character. I am currently not allowing more than 3 Characters in a piece. Massive group commissions have been accepted and done in the past, however these will be only open and accepted on a case by case basis.I will be more than happy to quote you on a price BEFORE you order if wished. To receive a quote, feel free to contact me at anytime through my e-mail: [email protected].

my commission process

Slots are announced on various social media platforms, on this carrd, or on Twitch during stream. They are posted on my Ko-Fi, or my Artists&Clients, and are available until the slots are sold out. Purchasing a slot secures a commission.Once this is done, references and information regarding your project may be sent to me via the contact on Ko-fi or Artists&Clients. Please have your references gathered into a google doc, google drive folder, or an imgur album for ease of access. (if you'd like to see examples of references I prefer, please scroll down and read reference requirements and recommendations located further below!)After receiving your reference material, and payment, you will be placed within the queue. The queue is typically worked through on a first come, first serve basis. However, I reserve the right to work through these in any order I choose. Most commissions are completed within 30 days of initial contact. Simpler commissions, such as sketches, linework, and busts are typically completed within a quicker timeframe of about 7 days. I will not start on a commission until payment has gone through.Throughout the process of your commission, I will be providing various updates on your piece. This typically comes in three stages: Sketching > Linework > Color. At each of these stages, your approval will be requested for your commission before I continue working on them, so it is important that you keep an eye out for communication to ensure a speedy completion of your piece. Additional updates will come if edits are requested, until approval is met, or the maximum amount of edits have been made on a piece. While I encourage criticism and feedback from my clients, it is important to communicate these swiftly and together, as I will not be making excessive edits to commissions throughout the whole process. Typically, I allow three send backs per stage before I must charge for additional changes to your commission.Upon the final approval of your commission, I will be sending a PSD file that is Print Ready, as well as a Web-Friendly version of your drawing to the method of contact that you included or used when initially commissioning me.


To view my current queue or to get 'quick updates' on your commission as I work on it, feel free to check my trello which is linked via the icon below.

I (the artist) reserve every right to decline a commission I am not comfortable with drawing OR if I feel that I do not fit the standards you are looking for. In these cases, a full refund will be issued.

additional questions?

Again, as always, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have! If something is not clear, you're looking to have something quoted, or you have any further questions feel free to send an email to [email protected] at any time!

Reference requirements & recommendations

preferred references

Drawn references and other visual examples are my preferred reference method. This limits muddling of colors, errors in design elements, and other potential mistakes. Additional descriptions of characters such as their personality or blurbs about their background are always welcome; however I do not work off of descriptions alone. You must have visuals for me to work with. I will not compromise on this.


If using screenshots from an MMO, such as Final Fantasy XIV, please be sure to include well lit screenshots from every angle and preferably a close up of the face (especially if you're ordering a headshot/bust!). Screenshots should be always taken in a well it area, with as simple of a background you can manage. This makes it clear what colors are present upon the character! Some good examples can be seen for reference to the right!

headshot examples

full body examples

i do draw

  • Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals

  • FanArts (anime/manga/games/etc.)

  • Humans and Humanoid Characters

  • Animals and Animalistic Characters

  • Children and Youths

  • Romance

  • LGBTQ+

i do not draw

  • NSFW will not be offered at this time.

  • No Excessive Gore or Violence

  • No heavy mecha or machinery

  • I refused to draw Loli, Shota, or anything suggestive that includes characters that appear to be or are underaged.

  • I refused to draw homophobic, racist, or any other type of art that can be consider offensive.


flat color$45
full color$55
added charaapprox. +50%

*Note complexity fee may be added if character design is complex. I will state this ahead of time to let you know if a complexity fee will be added.

half body

flat color$55
full color$65
added charaapprox. +50%

*Note complexity fee may be added if character design is complex. I will state this ahead of time to let you know if a complexity fee will be added.

full body

flat color$65
full color$75
added charaapprox. +50%

*Note complexity fee may be added if character design is complex. I will state this ahead of time to let you know if a complexity fee will be added.


black & white$25
full color$35
splash art special$55
added charaapprox. +50%

*Note complexity fee may be added if character design is complex. I will state this ahead of time to let you know if a complexity fee will be added.

Large Group Commissions

Current not available at this time.

emojis and stickers

Additional (up to four)*+$5

*Note This is only if the character stays the same, but want multiple expressions for them. If you would like two emojis of two different characters, the fee will be $30 for two, not $20.

twitch specials

Occasionally I go live on twitch and offer discounted specials of varying degrees depending on my mood and hunger. During these times you can see me draw commissions live! The best way to catch one of these specials is to follow me on twitch and twitter and turn on your notifications!

ageI remember the times of VHS fam.
pronounsHe/Him - They/Them

about me ; Do not perceive me, but if you must... You can call me Atleion, or, well, really anything. Yes. Anything.I have over 11 years of professional experience, however, like many artists, have been drawing my entire life. In my professional career, I focused on children's media and storybooks, but I have a diverse skillset and appreciation for a variety of styles.I hope to work with you, if you have questions, feel free to talk to me! Ciao!(( Yes. That is me as a rat. ))